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Bad Childhood-Good Life
Bad Childhood, Great Life I am a product of an affair my mother had on her first husband. I have 12 half brothers and sisters, but only grew up knowing 3 of them (the three from her first marriage). My mother divorced and remarried my step father when I was 4. More >>

Tags: Adult Child-ParentBad Childhood - Good LifeBad Childhood-Good LifeFamily/Relationships - Adult Child/ParentFamily/Relationships - FamilyHealthMorals, Ethics, ValuesRelatives
IconAfter almost 30 years of following the popular phrase "be yourself and people will like you", I have finally realized that's a complete lie. What precipitated my complete change of view is that I went to a get together at a park. More >>

Tags: AttitudeBad Childhood - Good LifeBad Childhood-Good LifeCommitmentDatingFriendshipshappinessHealthMen's Point of ViewselfishSocial Issues
IconThere's a new TV series that debuted two weeks ago called "Glee." The title refers to a high school glee club, and that's as child-friendly as this show gets.' It should be rated "A," for Adults Only.'That said, this show kept my jaw dropped for half an hour.' Every possible stereotype can be found in "Glee," and frankly, it's hilarious.' The show is an equal opportunity offender of delicate senses, and is basically politically incorrect.The Glee Club is run by a former student of the high school, Mr. Shuester, who is married to a blonde, self-centered woman who obviously never read "The Proper Care & Feeding of Husbands." The Glee Club consists of a nice Jewish girl, an Asian girl, a sassy, large black girl, a gay male, a boy in a wheelchair, and a brain-dimmed jock.'An uber-feminist cheerleading coach/teacher loathes any attempt of the Glee Club to gain prominence and take attention and financial support away from the cheerleaders, who are known as the "Cheer-i-os."' She is vulgar and mean to the nth degree, and very funny because she's so over the top.' In talking to Mr. Shuester, she says that (as she did with her elderly mother), he should "euthanize" the glee club program.' That's a terrible thing to say!' But delivered by this actress (Jane Lynch), it's hilarious.The cheerleaders (all gorgeous, of course) also run the Celibacy Club, where they practice humping their boyfriends with balloons in between them.' If a balloon pops, an angel cries.' They espouse "teasing, but not pleasing."' It's obviously religious-based, and so religion is a bit put down by this group.The nice Jewish girl from the Glee Club sounds like someone out of Planned Parenthood - i.e., "kids are gonna do it anyway, so we might as well give 'em condoms," and (with the Glee Club) performs a very gross performance of a rap song called "Push It," with lotsa bumping and grinding.' Of course, the student "body" now wishes to join the Glee Club in droves.'The guidance counselor is germ phobic and very hot for Mr. Shuester, whose wife is pretending to be pregnant.' It seems clear that Mr. Shuester is unhappy with his demanding, self-centered wife, and these two have an attraction.' However, the guidance counselor is a decent sort, and decides to date someone else, and not entertain her feelings for him.So, this program goes back and forth from anti-religion/liberal sexual values for teens to the moral considerations of not engaging in an affair with a married man.'Everyone will find something offensive, but, I've got to say, it is funny.' It's on Fox, Wednesdays at 9PM Eastern/Pacific. More >>

Tags: Bad Childhood - Good LifeBad Childhood-Good LifeHealthInternet-MediaInternet/MediaTelevision
Tags: Bad Childhood - Good LifeBad Childhood-Good LifeHealthSocial Issues
IconWhile it should come as no surprise that psychological, social and academic functioning are impacted negatively by children raised in family chaos, or in situations of profound change and stress, Dr. Kathryn Harker Tillman from Florida State University reports that, on average, adolescents living with half- or step-siblings have lower grades and more school-related behavior problems, and these problems may not improve over time. "These findings imply that family formation patterns that bring together children who have different sets of biological parents may not be in the best interests of the children involved.' Yet half of all American step-families include children from previous relationships of both partners, and the majority of parents in step-families go on to have additional children together. ("Non-traditional" Siblngs and the Academic Outcomes of Adolescents, Social Science Research, 37(1) More >>

Tags: Bad Childhood - Good LifeBad Childhood-Good LifeEducationFamily/Relationships - FamilyHealthRelativesSchool
IconI got this in response to a blog I wrote last week: Hi, Dr. Laura.' I am my kid's dad!' I'm writing in response to your blog, " Idiots on Parade ". As a 15 year member of the world's greatest Air Force, and third generation protector of this great nation, I want to thank the residents of Lebanon, Missouri for the support and dedication they have displayed, as they laid one of their own "true patriots" to rest.' My travels with the Air Force have allowed me to see that there are still many, many Americans who are grateful for the service that my brothers and sisters in uniform perform on a day-to-day basis. Many of us spend an unknown amount of time putting our necks on the line so that ALL Americans - even the folks in Berkeley --can continue to enjoy the freedoms they have today.' Having been stationed in California for the last three years, I have seen first-hand the many demonstrations that have taken place in protest of the war.' At first, when I see these demonstrators, my blood boils because I wonder how anyone could feel this way when many young men and women sacrifice a lot on a daily basis.' But once my blood pressure returns to normal, I remind myself that what they are doing is a good thing.' What I mean by that is they are exercising their constitutional rights - the very same rights that we in the military are sworn to uphold and protect at all cost. So, I want to thank the residents of Berkeley for their indirect support, I want to thank the residents of Lebanon, Missouri for their direct support, and, most of all, I want to thank all of my brothers and sisters in uniform for the outstanding Job that they are doing on a day-to-day basis.' There is no doubt in my military mind that we have the best and greatest people serving in the volunteer force known as the United States military! Sincerely, One Proud Air Force member andAMERICAN Technical Sergeant,A. Carpenter More >>

Tags: Bad Childhood - Good LifeBad Childhood-Good LifeHealthMilitarySocial Issues
IconRead the Terms Of Use here Read the Privacy Statement here Read the Copyright and Trademark Notice here. More >>

Tags: Bad Childhood - Good LifeBad Childhood-Good LifeHealth